The middle-child - Diagnose für sich


Gouache und Acryl. Papier, auf Tonzeichenpapier geklebt.

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Achtung, jetzt: 

" (...)  middle children are the hardest to label, since their personalities emerge in response to how they perceive the next-oldest sibling in the family. If the older sibling is a parent-pleaser, the middle child might rebel to get attention. The middle child is the hardest birth order to categorize, but whatever traits he develops play off the first born. In the eyes of the middle child, oldest siblings reap all the privileges and the babies get away with everything, so middles learn to negotiate to get what they want. "Middle-borns are the most willing to wheel and deal," Sulloway says. They are agreeable, diplomatic, and compromising, and they handle disappointment well. They have realistic expectations, are the least likely to be spoiled, and they tend to be the most independent. Because they often feel left out, they tend to gravitate toward friends outside the family.

Famous middles: Donald Trump, Elijah Wood, Bill Gates, Princess Diana, and Martin Luther King, Jr."

Also, mein middle-child beschwert sich. Immer. Nix mit "Triade"


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